Complimentary & Palliative Care
Insulin Potentiation Therapy (IPT) was developed in Mexico by Dr. Donato Perez Garcia, Sr., MD (1896-1971) in 1932. Insulin Potentiation Therapy targets the powerful cell-killing effects of standard chemotherapy on cancer cells, while using very low doses of chemotherapy drugs. IPT curbs the destructive side effects on healthy tissues.
Healthy cells use both sugar and fats as energy. However, cancer cells are completely dependent on sugar and have six times the number of insulin receptors than normal cells. Insulin is the hormone that regulates blood sugar (glucose) levels by allowing glucose to enter cells. Cancer cells get their energy by secreting their own insulin, and they stimulate themselves to grow by secreting their own insulin-like growth factor (IGF). Insulin encourages cancer cells to enter a phase of DNA synthesis and cell division, making them vulnerable to chemotherapy drugs. These are the mechanisms of malignancy. Insulin and IGF work by attaching to special cell membrane receptors, and these receptors are ten times more concentrated on cancer cell membranes than on normal cells. These receptors are the key to IPT.
Insulin makes the cell membrane more permeable to substances like chemotherapy drugs and as cancer cells are destroyed, this permeability allows toxins to be flushed into the circulation and leave the body. Instead of loading the body with high doses of chemotherapy drugs, which kill both cancer and healthy cells, IPT specifically targets the cancer cells, allowing for focused uptake of chemotherapy drugs by the cancer cells. Healthy cells are left unharmed.
In IPT, insulin is administered to trigger a drop in the patient’s blood sugar level called the Therapeutic Moment (TM). Healthy cells shift over to fat metabolism, while cancer cells go into an emergency mode and open all of their membranes in an effort to get sugar. A small amount of chemotherapy is administered, followed quickly by glucose. Desperate to take in all the glucose, cancer cells take in almost the entire dose of chemotherapy drugs. IPT uses only 5-10% of the standard dose of chemotherapy drugs.
With IPT, there is little chemotherapy drug left over to cause a toxic reaction within healthy cells. A 1981 Georgetown University Medical School study showed the chemotherapy drug methotrexate had the ability to enter cancer cells at a rate 10,000 times greater when the cells were prepared with insulin. Normally, IPT patients do not go bald, nor do they experience severe nausea or organ damage.
IPT is used as palliative care to enhance the quality of life of cancer patients. We treat patients who have received the benefits of standard of care and had those measures fail. Further, IPT is beneficial for numerous autoimmune health conditions like Lyme disease. When Dr. Perez Garcia first began practicing IPT, he produced positive results in the treatment of patients with neurosyphilis, malaria, rheumatic fever, and cholecystitis. Click here for the full coverage by TIME Magazine on “insulin shock treatment.”
IPT also allows for a dual treatment approach of front line therapy and immune therapy like intravenous infusions of high dose Vitamin C. This is usually not possible with standard high-dose chemotherapy.
For a full history and development of IPT, click here for our friends at The Ayre Clinic for Contemporary Medicine. Thank you for this wonderful collection of Resources!
Click here for the clinic of Dr. Donato Perez Garcia in Tijuana, Mexico.
Click here for the Official Website of Insulin Potentiation Therapy.
- Breast
- Lung
- Ovarian
- Uterine
- Prostate
- Bone
- Lymphoma
- Cervix-Melanoma
- Renal
- Cell Fibro
- Sarcoma
- Hodgkin’s
- Leukemia
- Pancreatic
Disclaimer: Anecdotal case reports from seventy-five years of use suggest that IPT might be effective in the treatment of cancer. There is, however, no collection of scientific data validating IPT as a treatment for malignant neoplastic diseases, or cancer.
To honor the standard of care, please make sure that your Insulin Potentiation Therapy (IPT) practitioner is officially certified by Dr. Donato Perez Garcia. You can access the directory of qualified practitioners here. All other practitioners who claim to practice IPT that are not trained and certified by Dr. Donato Perez Garcia may not be following safe protocols.
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