What is SOLE?

Sole is Himalayan salt crystals dissolved in a water solution. The minerals found in sole exist in ionic form, which means these minerals have either a positive or negative ion charge. When water combines with salt the positive ions of sodium surround the negative ions of the water molecules and the negative ions of chloride surround the positive ions of the water molecules. There are 82 mineral elements found in the salt that ionize and split into other complex ionized compounds. This allows the water to change its geometric structure and becomes more easily absorbed by the body. Each of the ionized minerals in the sole represents the ionized minerals naturally occurring in your blood.

How to Make SOLE

  • Fill a wide-mouth glass jar (with a cork lid, avoid metal lids) half way up with Original Himalayan Crystal Salt stones
  • Add either natural spring water or filtered water to the jar with stones
  • Let sit for 24 hours allowing water to become fully saturated
  • The water in your jar has now transformed into Sole

Keep the jar covered to avoid evaporation and dust. Keep on kitchen counter for convenience. Original Himalayan Crystal Stones should always be visible in jar. Add new stones before they have fully dissolved. Add new water as needed, let sit 24 hours each time to ensure complete saturation before next use.

Recommended Daily Use

Add 1 tsp of sole in an 8oz glass of water. Drink each morning on an empty stomach and wait 30 minutes before eating. If the cleansing effect is too intense for you, reduce the amount of sole to a couple of drops, rather than a teaspoon a day.

Sodium Content and USDA Recommendations

2,500 mg of sodium per day is the daily USDA recommendation for adults

1 tsp of Original Himalayan Crystal Salt Sole has only 478mg of sodium

1 tsp of Original Himalayan Crystal Salt has 2,292mg of sodium

Never take a teaspoon of salt and stir it into a glass of water believing it to be the same as taking a teaspoon of Sole. Adding a teaspoon of salt to a glass of water is NOT Sole Therapy.

For more information on Sole Therapy visit: www.himalayancrystalsalt.com

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