A day without the 5 Minute Journal is a day without true gratitude. Bold statement I know and completely true for me. Waking up and incorporating the 5 Minute Journal into my morning routine has allowed me to focus more on the things I already have that I am grateful for over the things that I want or my long list of things to do. It’s a completely different energy being in gratitude versus want.

Sunday morning I had the best meditation with my husband, facing one another on our Biomat in front of our fireplace, we took a moment to connect and check in with one another. With our being apart and travels, it’s important to come back to one another and pause. During our meditation a voice within me, a deep knowing, pointed out to me that I have everything I’ve always wanted and that everything I want I already have.

The 5 Minute Journal allows me to remember this wisdom and deep knowing. It’s so easy to focus on what I want versus give thanks for the what I already have. The more we focus on what we don’t have the focus goes towards lack. When we focus on what we have that we are grateful for, we give the molecules in space the opportunity to attract more things for us to be grateful for (the law of attraction).

I am so much happier and at peace when I spotlight what I am grateful for. Each and every one of us has something to be grateful for. Recognizing all you have to be thankful for – even during the worst times of your life – fosters resilience. Gratitude, proven by research…

  • Opens the door to more relationships, esp. more meaningful ones
  • Improves physical health
  • Improves psychological health
  • Enhances empathy and reduces aggression
  • Improves self-esteem
  • Increases mental strength

The 5 Minute Journal was created by UJ Ramdas and Alex Ikonn in 2013. UJ has a background in behavioral science and has helped hundreds of people find meaning in their lives by working with them one on one. Alex co-founded a company that produced high-quality hair extensions. Not the most obvious pair but they use each other’s skills to grow.

Alex and UJ came up with this idea while they were hiking. They were discussing personal routines and UJ started telling Alex about his morning and night journaling rituals. Low and behold the 5 Minute Journal and app. Make this app or journal a part of your ritual.

The 5 Minute Journal in the morning begins with an inspiring quote, followed by asking you what three things you are grateful for, what would make your day great and your daily affirmation. In the evening before bedtime, you review your day and list what three amazing things happened to you and how you could have made your day better. Short, sweet, and simple.

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