Truth seekers at heart, believers in the healing powers of nature, the fusion between tradition and innovation, Dr. Isabel Sharkar, NMD and Snejana Sharkar, RND, FNP, ACNP are the dynamic mother-daughter duo behind Indigo Integrative Health Clinic.

With over thirty years of medical experience in treating thousands of patients, Indigo Health Clinic is a leading hub of integrative, holistic, functional and natural approaches to healing. By following their signature mind, body, and soul healing process, known as the Indigo Path, clients are supported in their innate ability to heal.

We believe that prevention is the best medicine, and supported prevention is the most empowering path to optimal health. By educating our clients and inspiring them to claim their power and take responsibility for their own health, we achieve true vitality, not just the absence of dis-ease. When many routes to health have led you nowhere, yet you know there must be an answer to your struggles, we are here to partner with you so we can relentlessly seek full restoration together.

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