Spring Cleaning, Inside and Out

Spring Cleaning, Inside and Out

During spring, nature goes through the lovely process of renewal. Cleansing and detoxification is a gentle and effective way to bring the energy of renewal into our own lives. Spring cleaning is more than just detoxifying the body, it can also mean avoiding toxins in...
SophytoPro, Skincare for Total Skin Transformation

SophytoPro, Skincare for Total Skin Transformation

Spring time is perfect for detoxing and shedding the old rough layers of winter, leaving them behind and emerging for Spring with a glow. We have helped our patients undergo numerous detoxes and now we are able to compliment the internal detox with amazing all natural...
Aruna, Dark Chocolate Made with 100% LOVE

Aruna, Dark Chocolate Made with 100% LOVE

I feel like a child who has discovered chocolate for the very first time. Perhaps because I have! This past month, aside from my high raw diet, I experimented with medicinal green juice and 85% or greater dark chocolate. What a therapeutic combination. I am not your...
Recipe: Lisa’s Raw Cereal

Recipe: Lisa’s Raw Cereal

Lisa’s Raw Cereal Instead of feeding your children and yourself processed store bought cereal, try this as an alternative. Pairs well with  almond milk, fresh berries and honey. You will need a dehydrator for this recipe. Ingredients, all organic 5 cups...